
01 the battle begins 1:45
02 to the next stage 2:47
03 celebrating the victory 2:20
04 in a coffee shop 2:04
05 there’s something shining 1:24
06 a bonus to relic finding 2:02
07 relic hunting 1:25
08 Mournful Wraith 1:20
09 Sly Shrewman 1:05
10 I have to get it back! 1:23
11 I can’t give up now 0:42
12 someone’s coming 1:23
13 what are the two talking about? 2:03
14 that rapier is mine! 0:50
15 he is clad in black 1:23
16 now I got it back 1:43
17 it was all right now 1:42
18 a little sword fight 2:08
19 on the hill 3:20
20 preparing for a party 0:34
21 outwitting 2:01
22 guild flag 3:23
23 a small bit of tenderness 0:18
24 if we were together, we could… 0:55
25 now I’m going my own way 0:49
26 I can’t go with you 1:19
27 duel with me! 3:11
28 she was my true friend 0:52
29 we just have to get the flag 1:00
30 win, and advance 0:35
31 in front of the boss room 0:43
32 Fuscus the Vacant Colossus 8:56
33 together we can defeat it! 4:31
34 we can be friends again 1:53
35 this is the guild flag 1:02
36 who I should cry for 2:42
37 a toast and a raid 4:59
38 I have a special pendant 1:44
39 I will support you

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